Intuitive Tarot Readings

Expand your perspective and find new solutions.

Let’s explore and go deeper.

The Tarot readings I provide are not about predicting the future. Readings serve as a way to help you explore current situations to gain deeper insights and guidance. Sometimes you may get understanding about the bigger picture of your life, or receive new perspectives and lessons. These readings are more about energy and influences and are great way to gain the insights you are seeking.

Benefits of an intuitive reading:

  • It’s an opportunity for self-reflection

  • Become better aware of beliefs that may be keeping you stuck

  • Expand perspective and find new solutions

  • Understand limiting beliefs

  • Gain new insights and direction

  • Apply learnings to everyday life

How it works:

Readings are done remotely and offer practical information and intuitive guidance. Once a reading is done, you will receive voice recording or video of the reading along with pictures of the cards pulled. You will have an option to discuss on a 30-minute call after. Further information and guidance can be provided at that time.

What’s Included

Your personal readings includes the following:

  • Minimum of 10 cards pulled for each reading

  • Video recording of your reading to keep (usually 20-30 min)

  • Pictures of the cards pulled

  • Optional 30-minute call afterwards to discuss

Rate: $100/reading

Coming Soon!

All About Tarot

Learn the magic of Tarot and tune into your own inner wisdom.

During this workshop you will get first-hand experience in developing your own intuition through the use of Tarot and other practical exercises.

More class details will be coming soon.

Intuitive Development Workshop

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