It’s time to wake up to your inner world.

Explore the benefits of Mindfulness & Meditation

When we pay attention to sensations, feelings, thoughts and the environment in the hear-and-now with acceptance, we can tap into our inner world and connect more deeply to our authentic selves.

Learn more about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.

Two women facing each other in seated meditation. Their hands are in prayer position on the center of their foreheads.

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware, moment to moment. It helps us get out of our cycle of constant thoughts and emotional reactions.  The practice helps teach us to witness the contents of our mind along with our reactions to internal and external experiences. Similar to watching cars go by on the road, mindfulness teaches us to simply notice the cars instead of worrying about where the car is going and without passing judgement.

By becoming the observer of our mind, we develop a deeper wisdom and more compassion towards ourselves. You begin to experience more joy and ease in life.

Mindfulness is an ancient tradition, going back thousands of years.  In recent decades, researchers have been gaining more insight into the benefits. Many studies have found that mindfulness affects many aspects of our psychological well-being including:

  • Improving our mood

  • Increasing positive emotions

  • Decreasing anxiety and depression

  • Helping manage emotional reactivity

  • Alleviating job burnout

Research has also shown that mindfulness can physically change the brain’s structure, inner workings and mental processes. As you continue to practice mindfulness, the brain can be trained to be mindful, and will become more natural. [1]

What is Mindfulness?

Woman sitting on the ground cross legged with tree leaves around her. A cat rubs against her leg. She is smiling looking upward with her hands in prayer under her chin.

What is Meditation?

Simply put, meditation is the practice to connect with one’s deeper self.  It’s about brining awareness to oneself, and gaining a healthier sense of perspective. Often when people think of meditation, they believe they have to “shut off” their brain. That can’t be further from the truth.

It’s about observing, without judgement, your thoughts and feelings.  Over time, and with practice, you begin to better understand them, gaining more clarity.

Like mindfulness, meditation has been around for thousands of years and is practiced in numerous religious traditions. Research shows that meditation is associated with a wide range of health benefits including:

  • Reduced stress

  • Decrease in anxiety and depression

  • Physical and psychological pain reduction

  • Improved memory

  • Increased efficiency and concentration

  • Reduced blood pressure and heart rate

Additionally, meditation can support bringing more joy and peace into your life as you connect with your inner self.  The practice helps us better understand who we are behind all the mind chatter, daily stress and fear and confusion. It helps us better manage navigating daily life.

Looking to start a mindfulness and meditation practice?

One of my favourite things is to teach others the tools and techniques of mindfulness and meditation. There are many ways to meditate and it can be overwhelming at first. We start with simple concepts to familiarize yourself with basic techniques and practices and gradually move through to explore deeper practices.

There is no “right way” to do meditation, but it is a skill.  Just like lifting weights, you are exercising a muscle that you’ve never really worked out before. Being consistent in your practice will help you get more comfortable and familiar.  Having a trusted teacher helps because the mind can be a funny place. Like anything, there can be setbacks and roadblocks along the way, but together we will work through them. Just by simply showing up, and practicing, you will soon become a pro.

Together we can create a package that works for you. Connect with me today to discuss your needs and goals.

I am also available for presentations and workshops or private groups. Connect with me today to find out more. 

Current Services & Offerings

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    Reiki Energy Healing

    During a 1-hour session, enjoy gentle and restorative energy healing to help clear and balance your body, mind and spirit. Leave feeling balanced and restored. Sessions provided via Zoom or distance.

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    Private Yoga

    Private yoga sessions are a great way to get one-on-one support and hands on assistance to correct or go deeper into poses and your practice. Classes are customized to suite your needs.

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    Retreats & Events

    Be sure to check out upcoming retreats and events. We partner up with other wellness providers and businesses to offer unique and impactful retreats and events. You won’t want to miss out the experience.